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NameSerine/threonine-protein kinase Nek2
  • HSPK 21
  • NEK2A
  • Never in mitosis A-related kinase 2
  • NimA-like protein kinase 1
  • NimA-related protein kinase 2
  • NLK1
Gene NameNEK2
Amino acid sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0007282|Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek2
Number of residues445
Molecular Weight51762.93
Theoretical pI9.25
GO Classification
  • ATP binding
  • protein phosphatase binding
  • protein kinase activity
  • protein serine/threonine kinase activity
  • metal ion binding
  • negative regulation of DNA binding
  • mitotic sister chromatid segregation
  • chromosome segregation
  • regulation of attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore
  • anaphase-promoting complex-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
  • centrosome separation
  • positive regulation of telomerase activity
  • negative regulation of centriole-centriole cohesion
  • positive regulation of telomere capping
  • cell division
  • positive regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase
  • mitotic nuclear division
  • mitotic spindle assembly
  • spindle assembly
  • protein phosphorylation
  • regulation of mitotic centrosome separation
  • G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle
  • mitotic cell cycle
  • organelle organization
  • blastocyst development
  • protein autophosphorylation
  • meiotic cell cycle
  • regulation of mitotic nuclear division
  • microtubule
  • centrosome
  • cytosol
  • spindle pole
  • nucleolus
  • midbody
  • condensed nuclear chromosome
  • condensed chromosome kinetochore
  • kinetochore
  • protein complex
General FunctionProtein serine/threonine kinase activity
Specific FunctionProtein kinase which is involved in the control of centrosome separation and bipolar spindle formation in mitotic cells and chromatin condensation in meiotic cells. Regulates centrosome separation (essential for the formation of bipolar spindles and high-fidelity chromosome separation) by phosphorylating centrosomal proteins such as CROCC, CEP250 and NINL, resulting in their displacement from the centrosomes. Regulates kinetochore microtubule attachment stability in mitosis via phosphorylation of NDC80. Involved in regulation of mitotic checkpoint protein complex via phosphorylation of CDC20 and MAD2L1. Plays an active role in chromatin condensation during the first meiotic division through phosphorylation of HMGA2. Phosphorylates: PPP1CC; SGOL1; NECAB3 and NPM1. Essential for localization of MAD2L1 to kinetochore and MAPK1 and NPM1 to the centrosome. Isoform 1 phosphorylates and activates NEK11 in G1/S-arrested cells. Isoform 2, which is not present in the nucleolus, does not.
Pfam Domain Function
Transmembrane RegionsNot Available
GenBank Protein ID479171
UniProtKB IDP51955
UniProtKB Entry NameNEK2_HUMAN
Cellular LocationNucleus
Gene sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0021372|Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek2 (NEK2)
GenBank Gene IDZ29066
GeneCard IDNot Available
GenAtlas IDNot Available
Chromosome Location1
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